Here you will find a number of documents related to policies and procedures that govern many of the important operation of both the CMO and each individual academy.

Academies Standard School Policies Guide
Please see the Great Hearts Academies Standard School Policies Guide. What follows are Great Hearts academy policies that apply to all Arizona Network Schools. This Guide is to be used in conjunction with the Family Handbook for each Academy.
View Guide
Sample Arizona Family Handbook
Please see a sample family handbook, which is distribute to each family at the beginning of each school year. Academy specific handbooks can be found on each academy website.
View Handbook
Conflict of Interest
As a nonprofit organization we have always submitted ourselves to robust conflict of interest regulation. All governing members of the organization are required to disclose any known or potential conflicts and recuse themselves from any votes that could result in personal gain.
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Great Hearts Arizona Enrollment Policies
Great Hearts Arizona enrollment policies and procedures are in compliance with Arizona statute 15-184 which govern charter school admissions.
View Policies